How to Prepare an Environmental Policy

If you're looking to prepare an environmental policy for your organisation then you'll want a fast and easy way to achieve this without having to waste your time searching for required documents.

Our exclusive environment management system is available to download online and contains hints and tips to create a professional policy, sample policies and methods to get "buy-in" from your organisation. Click on the link below for more information.

Environmental Management System Guide

What is an Environmental policy?

An environmental policy is an agreed documented statement of a company's stance towards the environment in which it operates.

The policy is the cornerstone of its intent to reduce its carbon footprint, improve recycling, reduce reliance on packaging, minimising waste, improve efficiencies on finite natural resources in all of the company's operations and all departments.

All environmental commitments should be an integral part of the day to day activities, clearly communicated to all employees and may form part of an application for ISO 14001 certification or registration under the EMAS scheme.

What is the best structure?

Any internal or external communication should be succinct and easily understood by the audience it's intended for, and the environmental policy is no different.

Ideally, it should be similar to a company mission statement in that it's set on one sheet of A4 paper and contains the key commitments the policy undertakes. All goals should be measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound (ie: we will do x by y date).

Environmental Management System Guide

What should the policy contain?

Although there is no legal requirement or standard structure for an environmental policy there are key areas that such a policy should contain. It should say what the key objectives that the company is following, who is accountable and how these are going to be achieved and by whom.

All current issues facing the green lobby and global warming issues could be covered that each function of your business covers. These could be:

  • Transportation
  • Stationery and supplies
  • Improved efficiency
  • Improve recycling/ minimise waste
  • Dealing with other like-minded companies
  • Continuous improvement
  • Invested by all employees and suppliers

Environmental Management System Guide

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